11 April 2023

The scholarship was launched in 2020 and is aimed to support students during the crucial time of their final year of studies, covering living expenses such as accommodation costs, food, course items and travel. Each of the six scholarships is worth £6,000 and they are open to care leavers in their final year of their undergraduate studies at the University of Westminster.

The recipients from the previous cohort of scholars have spoken of the profound impact that having access to the maintenance grants has had on their lives in terms of relieving financial pressures during the difficult lockdown period so that they could concentrate on their studies and future career ambitions.

The generous support from the family of Dr Maud Tyler will continue to ensure that even more students who are care leavers are afforded the opportunity to access higher education without financial pressures and can commit themselves fully to their studies, and other extra-curricular activities available at the University, to reach their true potential.

Dr Maud Tyler retired as Deputy Vice-Chancellor in 2006 after 35 years at the University. Her life was dedicated to the development of the University of Westminster. The scholarship was set up in her memory to continue to support students and to allow her work to have a prolonged impact on those who were unable to experience her positive presence at the University.

Speaking about the renewal of the Scholarship, Jordan Scammell, Head of Development and Fundraising at the University of Westminster, said: “I am delighted that Maud’s family have decided to top up the Dr Maud Tyler Care Leaver Scholarship Fund, which will see a further six care experienced students supported across the next three academic years. With everything costing more these days, the family have also increased the value of each scholarship which I’m especially grateful for. I know this group of students were particularly close to Maud’s heart, so it’s wonderful that her wishes continue to be fulfilled, and her legacy felt.”

The family member who generously provided the funds for the continuation of the scholarship said: "I am impressed that the university has in place various layers of support for care experienced students, and am very keen to continue supporting this scholarship scheme for final year students."

Find out more about how you can support our young care leavers, or email the University’s Development Team.

Learn about remembering the University in your will.